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Educate your clients about oko.

Discover how experts - COMS, TVI, CVRT, CATIS - can include oko in their training program.

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A mockup of two iPhones showing two features of the oko app. The iPhone on the left shows a navigation map with end destination Apple Fifth Avenue. The iPhone on the right shows that oko detects a walk signal and displays a green bar with the words “walk signal”.

Book a demo to learn how oko can help your clients.

Oko today. 

Oko empowers you to effortlessly navigate any signalized intersection without having to rely on cities to install an accessible pedestrian signal. Oko uses your smartphone camera and visually interprets the pedestrian signal, providing visual, auditory and tactile feedback to inform you whenever you can cross.  

How to educate oko to my clients?

We're dedicated to enhancing your experience by offering step-by-step instructions, best practices, and comprehensive guides to navigate all of oko's functionalities.

A mockup of an iPhone showing that oko detects a walk signal and displays a green bar with the words “walk signal”.
A user crossing the street with oko in the Bronx. The man wears beige pants and a striped shirt. He holds a cane in his left hand and his iPhone in his right hand.
A user standing at the intersection in Baltimore pointing his phone towards a pedestrians signal across the street. The man wears a black rain jacket and a hat. He holds a cane in his right hand and his iPhone in his left hand.
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